Tuesday, October 20, 2015

A New Calling

I've been a lady of leisure for about a week now and am savoring my last, very last, moments of it as I sit at the window table of a charming coffee shop down the street from my house. It's a sunny and crisp fall day. My drink (iced coffee) is cold and my chunky, cable-knit sweater, warm. I'm not really doing anything. Just sitting here. Listening to music. Thinking. Watching the cars drive by. Observing people who are working hard. Feeling thankful that I am not. You may think that sounds boring, but my friend... it is not. It's wonderful. It's leisure. Leisure. LEISURE.

Throughout my life (less than a week) of leisure, the days have unfolded something like this...

Wake up at 7:30am. Look at my phone. Fall back asleep. Wake up at 9:00am. Stretch. Think about things. Get out of bed at 9:30am. Heat water for pumpkin chai tea. Think about things.  Drink tea. Thumb through Food & Wine and Vanity Fair. Look through Instagram. Think about things. Look out the window. Get out of my pajamas. Get into workout clothes. Eat an apple. Drive to the gym. Think about things. Workout from 11:30am-12:30pm. Go to Target. Peruse the aisles trying to determine what I need. Decide where I want to stop for lunch. Sit down for a solo (and very healthy) lunch. Think about things. Go home. Shower. Take a nap. Wake up. Think about things. Put on fresh workout clothes. Drive to neighborhood coffee shop. Sit in the coziest spot available. Surf the internet. Think about things. Text. Listen to music. Think about things. Take a photo of my coffee. Post said photo on Instagram. Head to the grocery store. Decide what sounds nice for dinner. Buy groceries. Stop at the liquor store for wine. Drive home. Cook. Sip wine. Eat dinner. Read. Brush my teeth. Get in bed. Read. Think about things. Fall asleep.


It's exhausting. You have no idea, unless you're a Lady of Leisure and if you are, ugh, isn't it exhausting?! I swear I've never been a nap person, until I became a week-long professional LOL. I've also noticed that you have SO much time to think about things. I had endless ideas on new business ventures, thoughts on weight loss strategies, visions of parties I want to throw, I remembered all of these volunteer opportunities I've wanted to be involved in and I came to realize that if we were all ladies of leisure, we would be such better people. Seriously. It's clear that to be the very best version of myself, I need quit my job. I highly encourage each of you, especially if you are a friend of mine, to join me in this movement and also join me for 11:00am workouts, lunches at leisure (wine encouraged!), and afternoon coffee.

Call me.

Brittany xo