Someone must be pleased with my GG (Good Girl) attempts this year, because as I begged, wished, and prayed, 2010 is treating me very well! This BG (Bad Girl) landed herself a big girl job! Not only did I land a job, but a job that I fits me like a luxurious, satin glove. My job requires travel around 220 days a year….and that includes LOTS of international travel....hello Paris, Barcelona, and Sydney!! This job could not have come at a better time…no rent and no ring means I get to prance around the world with not only an open mind, but also a very open heart! Bring on ze sexy men with accents that make this American girl melt like fro yo on a hot summer day!
I never pictured myself as a real life SCL (Serious Career Lady) and when I found out that I would be traveling in business attire, I almost choked on my latte. I am the girl at the airport in slouchy Juicy sweat pants, a white v, tons of jewelry, and oversized sunglasses (kinda like to pretend like I am Nicole Ritchie at the AP). Goodbye hippie headbands and leggings with cowboy boots at the term and hello slacks and cardigans….it was a VERY hard pill to swallow. On my return flight from my first SCL business trip to Chicago, I wore a black suit and realized that it can be quite fun in a very different way to be in business clothes when traveling.
This morning as I was getting ready to leave for my second work trip, I decided that I was going to go for the SSBL (Super Sexy Business Lady) look. Black pencil skirt, black cardigan, and four inch black J. Simps stilettos, oh my! Let me tell you something ladies, I don’t know what it is, but there must be something about a working woman that men like, because the treatment I am getting today is much more than I ever have received before in an AP! As I boarded my flight (Southwest) I was trying to decide where to sit and a man stood up and pointed to the seat next to him and told me I could sit with him, he then grabbed my carry on and put it overhead for me, (Thanks sir!). I went to the restroom just as they were taking refreshment orders and I asked him to get me a Sprite Zero, when I came back he told me he ordered me a vodka to go with it (I thanked him, but insisted that he drink it…SCL’s always arrive sober to work!). On my way to the restroom a man in an aisle seat asked me if I would like a chip, (Dead Serious), I thanked him and politely declined (I really wanted to accept, but my pencil skirt begged me not to). This flight has now made me realize that just because I am not 22 years old and in my shabby chic attire, that I am growing into an SCL that is getting much more attention from all the traveling gents. As of mid flight today, I now wear the white topaz JF ring I got for my 21st birthday on my right ring finger instead of the left, don’t want to give anyone the wrong idea, this SCL does not have a ring on it!
* The above was written while on my flight to Vegas today…when I walked out of the airport there was a line around 47 people deep to get a cab… the guy in charge pulled the barricade open and told me to "Come in here"….I was in the next cab. I guess it pays to be polished!
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