Week nine on the island is approaching and here is a list of the things for which my heart aches the very most...
1. My family and friends-Die, die, DIE at the thought of an evening perched on a barstool at one of the high tops at Barcelona with the leading ladies in my life gossiping over goat cheese/marinara and sangria...so soon!
2. My boyfriend-Can not wait to see mon amour.
3. Red wine- Vodka and water goes better with the warm island temps...I am very much looking forward to a glass (bottle) of cab upon arrival.
4. My bedroom-My books, pictures, purses, candles, jewelry, and of course my dreamy bed... Oh how I miss Rapunzel's room.
5. My nail salon-Love getting mani/pedis with a girlfriend...otherwise my impatience gets the best of me. Need to look into BYOB (Bring your own bubbly) salons in my area. This two month girlfriend catch up will call for much more than a cold Diet Coke.
6. Starbucks-Grande skinny vanilla latte, extra hot please... Starbucks will be the second thing I do once I arrive in Miami (Turning on my phone will be first...more than likely upon descent).
7. My esthetician Judith-No one else comes near me with wax. Her work is magic and we have a much needed date two days after my arrival, although I am actually starting to get the 80's supermodel bushy brow look that was in a few falls ago...damn.
8. My beloved Chloe perfume-I save it for sexy dates with my beau.
9. My fall/winter wardrobe-After wearing sassy summer dresses and sandals for eight weeks, I am over summer clothes. Is it fall yet? I need another London summer packed with cool days and gray skies...true love.
10. High heels-If I had brought a pair, I would be walking around my room in them daily. The Ann Taylor kitten heels, which I packed for work, just don't give me the same satisfaction as a pair of 6 inch pumps.
11. My Phone-How I have gone 18 weeks sans my cell phone in just 9 months is beyond me.
12. Cooking-One of the things I enjoy the most when I have the luxury of being in a real kitchen (Not often). I can not wait to pour a glass of red, turn on some Ray (LaMontagne), and get lost in my thoughts while preparing a scrumptious meal...heaven.
Soooooo I am officially 58 days in with only 10 to go....I dream nightly of putting on a LBD paired with black opaque tights, black patent leather pumps, and accessories galore. I can't wait to actually style my hair and apply makeup...dark eyes and nude, glossy lips oh my! And for once in my life I am looking forward to spending a lengthy amount of time getting ready for an evening out on the town! This girl has had more than her fill of beach babe au naturel and is ready for some beyond generous, overly girly glamour!
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