I'm rarely home. I don't mean that figuratively, in the past year I have spent over 240 evenings in hotel rooms and while they were all very nice, they never quite captured the comfortable feeling of home. I quickly figured out that it's up to me to create my own unique living space out of each hotel room I visit.
Here are some of the things that I never leave home without...
1. Ugg slippers- It doesn't matter if it's the Ritz Carlton, my tootsies touch the hotel room floor as often as my tongue does.
2. Lavender candles- They smell sensational and soften the room, creating a calm and cozy oasis which is so often needed while working long days on the road.
3. Eye blinders- I've been an advocate since the age of 12 and have gone through the cute (Limited Too), the high tech (Sharper Image), the sexy (Victoria's Secret), the sassy (Aria Spa...RIP my absolute favorites...left them on a plane), and am now back to using my old, ugly yet comfortable and reliable blinders (Walgreens roughly 8 years ago) but I won't be needing them much longer because I am thrilled to share that I have found a website that has replicas of the eye blinders in the picture above (Holly Golightly -Breakfast at Tiffany's) and I am currently on the wait list to get some (eek!) pretty blinders= better beauty rest and sweet dreams!!
4. Framed pictures-Everyone has pictures in their bedroom, so why wouldn't I have them in my hotel room? Being on the road can have it's lonely moments and seeing the faces of those I love reminds me of who I have to get home to! (I upload and have printed at Walgreens/Purchase clear, plastic frames from Walmart for only $1.00) **Programs over two weeks**
5. Wine opener-A glass of wine while soaking in a bathtub full of hot water and bubbles is the only way I can unwind both mentally and physically after a 17 hour work day...I finally learned to pack one after wasting money and precious "me" time on transportation to the closest gas stations/grocery stores/Walgreens.
6. HB (Head Blanket)- I have this cream, fuzzy blanket that I sleep with every single night. It's an amazing fluff of love that I start out snuggling in between my cheek and the pillow, but end up literally wrapping my entire head/face with it while asleep. ***ONLY USED WHEN SLEEPING ALONE*** ( Same as when you wear your not so sexy, beyond comfortable, super worn in jams....always...alone).
7. Personal computer- I always travel with both my work and personal laptop. It's a total drag lugging around two computers through airports constantly, but well worth it. For me, my computer is an extension of my life....it houses all of my pictures, my web cam, and most importantly, my music.
8. Nail set/Polish-A gel mani lasts me three weeks at the most and resort spa mani/pedis can be super pricey (Not worthy while my social life is on pause) so while on long programs I do my own nails. You learn, trust me.
It's currently 10:49 PM on the island of Curacao and as I write this I am laying in bed on my 64th night in this hotel room. I'm listening to Adele and about to blow out the lavender candle on the bedside table that has been lit for well over three hours. Before I do, I'll glance once more at the picture beside it (My family on the night of my sister's engagement), I'll then grab my HB and hope to drift off to a very sweet place I've been missing, a place I call home...sweet dreams!
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